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This site, and the bots it documents, are works in progress!

Botch & Beat

Discord bots for World of Darkness and Chronicles of Darkness.

Counting successes after midnight is hard. Ever greet the sun because you miscounted a 1? You need Botch & Beat, the Discord bots who handle your dice so you can keep brooding dramatically.

The supernatural support team

Character sheets that don’t get coffee stains

Keep your character details right in Discord! Now you can stop abusing your Humanity track with that eraser.

Smart rolls for the supernaturally challenged

Your sheet’s at your disposal—use it! No more looking up your scores. Just type your traits directly.

  • /roll pool:Strength + Brawl for when diplomacy means punching.
  • /roll pool:Manipulation + Subterfuge when the Prince suspects it was you who streamed Elysium last night.
  • /roll pool:Composure + Occult to not scream when the ancient tome starts bleeding.

Macros for the perpetually impatient

Create shortcuts for those rolls you make way too often:

  • /mroll macro:hunt when you’re feeling peckish.
  • /mroll macro:nightmares after the night life has gotten to you.
  • /mroll macro:bluff to convince your “friends” you definitely know what a smartphone is.

Character images that look the part

Become a Patreon supporter and upload pictures of your character looking as cool as you think you are. Perfect for flexing on that fledgling still in his agoge.

More features added all the time!

Well, maybe not all the time. But the development pace feels downright brisk when you’re an ancient immortal.

What are you waiting for? Add to your server now!