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Reference: Rolls

This page contains a full list of /roll commands and descriptions of all options. Required parameters are bold and optional parameters are italic. In some cases, Botch and Beat differ in options presented. Where that occurs, click the bot you wish to see.

About rolls

Even more than character management, rolls are the primary purpose behind Botch and Beat. When you make a roll, you can use your characters’ Traits and Specialties or simply use raw numbers. In other words, you don’t need a character to use the bot, though you will be missing out on its best functionality.


The most important command, this is what you will use 90% of the time you invoke the bot.

poolThe dice pool to use. Can be a number or a Attribute+Ability equation.
difficultyThe target number that defines a success. Allowed: 2-10.
use_wpWhether to use Willpower in the roll. You can add +WP to your pool instead.
specialtyA Specialty to apply to the roll. See below for more details.
autosAdd automatic successes to the roll (cancelable by 1s).
commentText to appear alongside the roll. Typically used to describe an action.
characterThe character performing the roll.
ownerAdmins only: Roll on behalf of a player.

The pool syntax

Recommended reading: Rolls Guide

A roll’s pool can be a number (“2”), an equation of numbers (“2+3-1”) (plus/minus only), or an equation of Traits and Specialties. Traits and Specialties require a character to use.

To roll with Traits, simply type their names in the pool, e.g. “Strength+Brawl”. Specialties are specified with dot-syntax (.): “Strength+Brawl.Grappling”.