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Reference: Traits

This page contains a full list of /traits commands and descriptions of all options. Required parameters are bold and optional parameters are italic.

About Traits

Traits are Attributes, Abilities, Skills, etc.—the things from which you construct 99% of your dice pools. Each character has a number of predefined, or “Core”, Traits. (Exactly what these Core Traits are defends on the system, but every character has, at a minimum, Attributes and Abilities/Skills.) In addition, both Botch and Beat allow you to supplement these Core Traits with Custom Traits. Traits can be used in rolls.

/traits assign

This command assigns Traits and associated ratings (“dots”) to a character. If the Trait doesn’t exist, it will be created; otherwise, its value will simply be updated.

traitsThe Traits to assign.
characterThe character receiving the Traits.

The assignment syntax

Traits are assigned with a syntax of Trait=Rating. You can assign multiple Traits at a time by separating them with semicolons (;): Foo=2; Bar=4; Baz=1, and so on.

Trait names can contain spaces and underscores.

/traits list

View a list of all Traits and Specialties assigned to a character.

characterThe character to view.

/traits remove

Remove Traits from a character. Core Traits are reset to 0 rather than removed completely.

traitsThe Traits to remove.
characterThe character losing the Traits.

The removal syntax

Separate Trait names with semicolons (;). Example: Foo; Bar; Baz.